Revolution by the “youth” is failing as a concept in India and that is the bane of any modern democracy.
India has been referred to as the nation of the youth multiple times by many a politicians, public speakers, life coaches and other assorted sorts of word-smiths. Has this youth brought forth any lasting change in the Indian state?
The youth comprises of a major stakeholder in the affairs of the state today. It represents the future trend of the Indian nation and how it will trudge forth into the world and its ever evolving web of interconnected issues and agendas.
Does India however allow the youth to take active part in its functioning?
The rather morose reality on the ground is that…no, it doesn't.
Politically, India had in this election around 15 million first time voters (aged between 18-19) yet at the same time there is no government supported structure for youth participation in politics. In fact firebrand politics has only led to the hysterical condemnation of youth politics in Universities and the like.
The argument that “students should study not take part in politics at universities” represents the actual hurdle in youth participation. The settled class of 30-60 year olds has made politics their monopoly with any youngster taking part in it being considered a threat to the “betterment of the youth”. There are virtually no major study bodies taking active participation in regional, state and national level politics with fewer non-partisan organisations helping and promoting youth participation.
Questions of unemployment, bloated economic growth and lack of social security directly affect the prospects of the youth yet at the same time political parties and governmental agencies actively ignore younger people. Candidature often goes to “veteran” politicians with there being no impetus for these parties to even consider younger, more versatile politicians which have been cultivated at grass root levels. If on a blue moon such a politician does emerge he/she is met with almost violent rhetoric against them on the basis of their “inexperience”.
Economically, while we all enjoy the various whatsapp stories of “youths” coming back to their villages to help them develop etc. we all forget to factor in issues such as student loans, the creation of unrealistic competition for skilled labour, the dying institutions of vocational labour, lagging infrastructural growth for agriculture etc. even though such issues are at the cornerstone of any youth and his concerns for his future in this nation.
Long standing concerns about the “brain drain” which plague the prospects of those left behind are not even considered on the national stage. Essentially the youth is reduced to a glorified photo-op for politicians and the powerful.
The evolution of the youth’s revolution is therefore needed. The youth needs to realize their standing in the current scenario and must bring the change needed on their own, not relying on the handouts of opportunistic politicians and their machinations for the nation. The schools, universities, colleges, libraries must be transformed into hotbeds of political discourse. The tag of taboo applied on politically aware youth must be done away with. Students must come together to form their own online forums and use social media outlets such as Discord, Reddit form tight knit communities centered around healthy discussion and initiative taking.
If a democracy continues to starve its future of participation in the actual affairs of the state it shall eventually end up with unfit leaders shall be depressingly unaware of the ground reality. No republic survives the leadership of a string of incompetent leaders and thus it falls to us to reach in and grab India away from the dark abyss it is staring into at this moment.